Friday, May 7, 2010
Eat Out for Nashville!
As I mentioned in my last post, Nashville needs help. If you have a tummy, and a little money in your pocket to spare please support our city in an easy way. The wonderful Doug Hogrefe, who owns Amerigo (where The Boy & I had our FIRST date over half a decade ago) spearheaded the organizing of this event. Participating restaurants will be donating 50% of the proceeds to Tennessee Emergency Response Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. There’s so many people that need so much help. And I am ashamed to admit, I feel as though a lot of people in my area of town (which was high & dry) just DON’T get it! I see them jogging, sitting on patio sipping cocktails, and just walking around with their CLEAN HAIR (we were asked to conserve water because one of the water treatment plants was lost in the flood). If it’s the LEAST you can do, just go out to dinner.
This event has been organized in a grassroots manner, and as a food blogger I was asked to help spread the word. You can learn more by following Eat Out for Nashville on Twitter or by visiting their Facebook Page. I’m excited about some of the restaurants that have already signed up (Baja Burrito, the brand new Burger Up, and even the Melting Pot), and I can’t wait to find out what other options there will be!
The view from Rosa L Parks Blvd in the Germantown area of Nashville. Under the tran overpass (the teal bridge) is a completely submerged van. I only found out about the van on Monday when the water receded, and you could see the top of it. The flooded Farmer’s Market is on the left. To see more of my photos, click here.
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