Monday, May 3, 2010
Nashville underwater
It’s a surreal scene here in Nashville. Rain came and came and came and came. I was out of town for most of it, but followed the coverage on my iPhone using The Weather Channel app, Twitter, and my Facebook friends. When I returned Sunday evening it was still raining. Luckily, my apartment is on some of the highest elevated part of town, so we’re dry as a bone up here. I just drove The Boy into work (he works at the best news station in town) because he thought the parking lots behind his station would be flooded. Good reasoning, considering the NEWSROOM AT HIS STATION IS FLOODED! I’ve walked those halls before.
The park next to his work, Bicentennial Mall Park, where we’ve ridden bikes, walked, and even once had a fun little picnic on his dinner break one day, is flooded
(photo credit: Mike Byrd, for more of his photos of the flood, click here)
And Nashville’s famed downtown? Yeah, it’s under water as well. I work downtown. My office is nestled in here.
(photo credit: twitter user @rwitherell, on twitpic)
While I’m high & dry, many MANY others are not as fortunate. Lots of people are without power, lots of people’s houses are filled with water, and were evacuated in boats. Cars left stranded. A building floated down the interstate, then capsized. A BUILDING! It was like a boat, on the interstate.
The famous Opryland Hotel? Yeah, that’s wet too. Click here for shocking video. I have two great memories of this place. One, is this is where I competed in the Slow Cooker Competition, and second, The Boy and I helped a friend surprise his girlfriend with a proposal. So sad to see it underwater.
And the amazing Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, where my friend’s tiny triplets spent some time after their birth, experienced issues with water coming in the basement, and the ground level reception.
Please keep Nashville in your thoughts & prayers right now. Here’s a look at some of my other Nashville area blogger friends posts: Kira at Food alla Puttanesca, Lindsay and Taylor of Love and Olive Oil, Kelly at Sallaboutme, Erin of One Particular Kitchen.
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