While flipping through my March 2010 issue of Bon Appetit I was intrigued by their recipe for British Flapjacks.  I had never heard of them!  My only knowledge of “flapjacks” is pancakes at a diner in Pennsylvania.  Apparently across the pond, in England, it’s a cookie similar to a granola bar.  My friend Céline is British, and I know she gets homesick.  We sometimes go grocery shopping together, and anytime we reach the British section of the International Food aisle she lingers, and picks up just about every product and tells me about it.  (I’ve been told that something called Digestives biscuits are delicious… but I think I’ll take her word on that one!)

I knew I would have to make these to share with her.  They were super simple to whip up.  I found them to be sweeter than a granola bar.  These are definitely cookies!  The golden syrup imparts a rich flavor that is similar to honey or molasses, but different.  They were somewhat chewy, and somewhat crispy.  Céline told me they tasted authentic, so I consider them a success.  I wouldn’t know if they were authentic or not, but I do know they were delicious.


British Flapjacks


1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into 8 pieces
1/2 cup (packed) golden brown sugar
1/4 cup golden syrup*
2 1/3 cups quick-cooking oats (not instant or old-fashioned)
Pinch of salt

* A type of syrup popular in Great Britain; available at some supermarkets, specialty foods stores, and British import shops. I found mine at Whole Foods.


Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter 8x8x2-inch metal baking pan. Combine first 3 ingredients in heavy medium saucepan. Stir constantly over medium-low heat until butter melts, sugar dissolves, and mixture is smooth. Remove from heat. Add oats and salt; stir until coated. Transfer mixture to prepared pan and spread out in even layer.

Bake until top is golden (edges will be darker), about 20 minutes. Cool in pan on rack 5 minutes. Cut into 4 squares; cut each into 4 triangles (mixture will still be soft). Cool completely in pan before serving.