I’m a little bit of a wino. Back in July The Boy and I threw a picnic at the park nearby. He was busy concocting a very strong, very sweet, rum punch. I decided to do a lighter, refreshing sangria. I really wanted to do a white wine sangria. I’m pretty sure I found this recipe using the Food Blog Search. I was reminded of this recipe when a friend asked for it to make for New Year’s.
I adapted this recipe just a little to suit my tastes. The best part about this sangria, is how amazing the pears taste afterwards! All the fruit is great, but the pears were the best! If you can’t find white peaches, regular peaches work fine, but I really recommend the white ones. The best thing about this sangria is you can substitute other fruits. The second time I made this (the version in the picture) I didn’t have the strawberries or white peaches, but I had regular peaches & blueberries.
White Wine Sangria
adapted from Seattle Food Geek
1 cheap bottle of chardonnay, white zinfandel, or pinot grigio, sweet (I used pinot grigio)
1/2 liter tonic water (I used diet)
2 oz peach schnapps
1 cup strawberries, sliced
1 pear, cored and sliced (bosc or d’anjou work well)
1 white peach, sliced
1/4 cup confectioner’s sugar
Add the sliced fruit, sugar and 2 cups of ice to large pitcher. Muddle with a muddler or the back of a big wooden spoon. You aren’t trying to make a fruit smoothie (and the presentation is much nicer if the fruit are shapely) so just try to get some of the fruit oils released.
Add the wine and schnapps. Cover and refrigerate until you’re ready to server. Add the tonic water and top the pitcher with more ice. Pour into tall glasses or wine goblets, letting some of the fruit fall into the glass.
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