Monday, August 13, 2012
Dulce de Leche Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Ice cream. And lots of it. That’s what I’m going to need this week. This is my first week back at work since having Elliott. 🙁 Don’t get me wrong, I am SO thankful, and so fortunate for the 12 weeks off. I’m not throwing myself a pity party because I will miss my baby. That’s obvious. I am just very anxious, and very worried for how he will fare at daycare. I worry that he will continue to refuse a bottle, and basically not eat while he is there. I worry he will SCREAM the entire time because he’s hungry, and possibly confused as to where I am. Then I worry and stress over the evenings. He’s generally somewhat fussy in the evenings, and I barely manage to get dinner on the table when I’m home all day long! How in the world will I manage even frozen pizza? Not to mention if he’s not eating much at daycare he’ll want to make up for it and eat all evening & night long!
So, I’m going to be taking a bit of a break from blogging for a few weeks. The last thing I need is more stress! Luckily, I have some super stellar guest bloggers lined up. Hopefully you’ll discover some new blogs in the process.
And now you probably want to know about this ice cream, which I will probably devour every night to ease my worries. This was a super simple ice cream to whip up, as no eggs are involved. The original recipe calls for the can of dulce de leche, but I don’t see why you couldn’t make your own from a can of sweetened condensed milk if you have that on hand. Also, the original recipe called for dark chocolate, which is what I used because I LOVE dark chocolate. However, I found the chocolate to be super hard & crunchy. Dark chocolate is usually harder than milk chocolate already, so once frozen I felt it was a bit too hard. I wonder if milk chocolate would be softer? Either way, this ice cream still had fantastic flavor, especially if you love caramel in any form!
Dulce de Leche Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
2 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
1 13.4 – 14 oz can dulce de leche
1 3 oz bar good dark or semisweet chocolate, rough chopped (I prefer Scharffen Berger 62% or 70%)
1/4 teaspoon vanillaDirections:
Combine milk and cream in saucepan and bring up to a boil. Turn down to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes.
Remove from heat and whisk in dulce de leche until completely dissolved. Make sure you scrape the bottom of the pot well to get all of the little bits of dulce de leche incorporated. Stir in vanilla and transfer to bowl. Chill bowl until cold either in an ice bath or in the refrigerator overnight.
Pour mixture into ice cream maker and churn until almost firm, then fold in chocolate. Transfer ice cream to an airtight container and freeze until hard.
adapted from A Cook at Heart