Saturday, March 21, 2009
Homemade Peeps
There are two types of Peeps-lovers. Those like them only when their fresh out of the package, soft & stretchy. And those that like them once they are a little stale and stiff. I’m strictly in category 1, and my mom is in category 2. But I think I’ve found a sub-category, those like their Peeps homemade!
After eyeing this recipe for over a year, I’ve developed my marshmallow making skills enough to have the guts to try it. I don’t own a piping bag, so I just used a large Ziploc freezer bag. I think these would of been a little cuter with the correct bag and tip. Whatever you do, DON’T use your regular marshmallow recipe. I didn’t pay enough attention the first time I attempted this, and they did NOT turn out. Be sure to use the marshmallow recipe for piping. I followed Martha’s tips exactly for making these, except for the eyes. I had planned on doing what theKitchn suggested, and just mix cocoa powder and water and apply with a toothpick, but I was so excited I forgot! (Update, I decided it was cruel and unusual punishment to create peeps but not give them eyes, so I did it and had another photoshoot the following day) I’m proud that some of them came out pretty cute! They didn’t all turn out this cute, some were definitely not photogenic. I would like to try this again, as I got better at it the further I went along.
While making these, about halfway through, I needed to pop the marshmallow in the microwave for a little softening up. Don’t leave it in there long, just a couple seconds is fine. I made these on a cookie sheet with 1 inch tall edges to catch all the stray sugar. I had a hard time coating them completely in the sugar. I found though, these were pretty easy to pick up and just dip the uncoated parts in leftover sugar granules once they had dried for a little while. If you need help forming the shape after piping, keep a small bowl of water nearby and dip your fingers in it, then smooth the marshmallow to the shape you want. It’s pretty easy I swear! This marshmallow recipe is nowhere near as sticky as regular marshmallow recipes.
I had a lot of fun making these, and they weren’t nearly as hard as I imagined they would be when I first saw the post. I definitely recommend you giving it a try!
Homemade Marshmallow Peeps
from Martha Stewart Living, as seen on TheKitchn
1 packet unflavored gelatin (2 1/2 teaspoons)
1/3 cup cold water, for gelatin, plus 1/4 cup for syrup
1 cup sugarDirections:
In the bowl of an electric mixer, sprinkle gelatin over 1/3 cup cold water. Allow gelatin to soften, about 5 minutes.
In a small saucepan, combine 1/4 cup water and sugar, and stir over medium-high heat until sugar is dissolved. Stop stirring, and place a candy thermometer into sugar water; wipe sides of pan with a wet brush if sugar crystals have splattered up. Boil sugar until temperature reaches the soft-ball stage (238 degrees).
Remove syrup from heat; add to softened gelatin. Using the whisk attachment of an electric mixer, hand-stir the mixture a few minutes to cool; place bowl on the mixer stand. Beat on medium high with the whisk attachment until soft peaks form and the marshmallow mixture holds shape, 8 to 10 minutes.
Transfer marshmallow mixture to a large (14-inch) pastry bag fitted with a 1/2 inch (No. 11 Ateco) tip, and use immediately.
Chick How-To
1. Pipe an oval shape onto sugar, about 1 inch wide, tapering the end and pulling upward to finish with the tail.2. For the head, pipe a mound on the end opposite the tail, about the width of the body, pushing toward the tail and up. Pull away from the head to form the beak.
3. Immediately sprinkle sugar over the entire surface of the chick. Allow a few minutes for the shape to set.
4. Make eyes with either royal icing, or cocoa powder mixed with water.
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