I love pumpkin as I’ve said many times before.  The sad part is, The Boy, is not a fan.  So I have to find other places & occasions to make pumpkin goodies.  I had a family reunion to attend the day after returning from a 7 day vacation in California.  Needless to say I wanted something EASY to make for it.  I had seen some pumpkin dip recipes, and I found two versions, one that involved marshmallow fluff, and one that didn’t.  I decided I’d try the both.  So far, I’ve made the non-fluff version.  I had seen a great recipe on Annie’s Eats, but ended doing something in between hers, and this one, to use more pumpkin & less sugar.  I served it with ginger snaps, apple slices, graham cracker sticks & apple chips.  Here it is, and let me tell you, I got asked about about the recipe multiple times.


Pumpkin Dip

adapted from Annie's Eats and Veggie Venture


16 ounces canned pumpkin
8 ounces cream cheese
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar


With hand mixer, mix the pumpkin, cream cheese and pumpkin pie spice until smooth. Add sugar to taste until desired sweetness is reached. Serve with graham crackers, gingersnaps, & apple slices