My husband is a fan of Rhinegeist Brewery based in Cincinnati. They distribute to parts of Kentucky that we pass through when visiting family. He knows I’m all #roséallday and really into ciders so when he saw their Rosé Ale, a cider variant actually, he instantly knew he had to get it for me. I’m not super into beer, but I like ciders. Technically this is not quite a cider, as they changed their recipe slightly to make it an ale, which made it more affordable due to lesser tax on ales than ciders. Anyways, it makes for a delicious drink.
Recently we had a cousin visiting and when we were making beverage offerings and mentioned the Rhinegeist he suggested making a cocktail with it. Now, technically he is a step cousin, but at that moment I’d swear we were blood relation. And so, a quick perusing of our liquor cabinet revealed a bottle of Cocchi Americano, an Italian aperitif, with hints citrus. It was introduced to us by a friend who is a bartender. Anyways, I decided to try out a little cocktail attempt with the Rhinegeist Rosé Ale + Cocchi Americano. I suppose you can hardly call this a cocktail, because it only had 2 ingredients. But still, the combination of the two flavors paired for a delicious drink. And a fun reason to use such a pretty glass!
Rosé Ale Sipper
Yield: 1 drink
4 oz Rhinegeist Rosé Ale
1 oz Cocchi AmericanoDirections:
Pour the Rhinegeist Rosé Ale into glass, add Cocchi Americano. Stir gently with spoon. Enjoy!
{Below} I laughed so hard both when this happened, and again every time I see the photo. Two things here, 1) depth perception is a little off when looking through viewfinder. 2) My arm is not as long as I’d like…
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