Monday, October 31, 2011
Fun stuff to come!
Y’all, I am really excited about November! Both in real life and on the blog! It IS my birthday month, but that’s not the only reason I’m excited. I have some fun stuff planned for the blog, stuff I’m really excited to share with you. One recipe I’ve been waiting an entire year to share. No joke.
Now, I do have a teeny tiny favor to ask. I know I’ve only mentioned it like, twice, but I do have a Facebook page for the blog. I am very thankful for all 299 people who like my blog on Facebook, but I would be thrilled for more! I promise, I won’t inundate your feed with posts. I only post my blog updates once, not multiple times. And a few times a week I might post a food related photo, or share a post from the archives if I’m making it again recently. I’d love it if you liked me on Facebook. 😀
Next up for the blog, you’ll get the recipe for this delicious treat Jesse (my dog) is drooling over, so stay tuned!