Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Baked Tilapia with Onions, Peppers, Olives, and Feta

One night I knew I wanted to cook. I was craving a home cooked meal, as I often have to eat really random things at really random times during my “busy days” at work (Tues-Thurs I work 5pm – 2amish). I began to search for a tilapia recipe. I looked at all my bookmarked recipes, which I recently moved over to delicious. If you’re unfamiliar with this site, I highly recommend it. It’s a nice way to keep your bookmarks organized, and always accessible. This way instead of them only existing on my laptop, I could now access, and even add to them while I was at work, or elsewhere. I browsed all my bookmarks, but I didn’t see anything I really wanted to make. So, then I used a cool feature of delicious. I browsed other people’s bookmarks! I love this feature! I’ve found some recipes that I ended up bookmarking myself. And I must admit I even added some of my own posts to my bookmarked links to see if other people had them bookmarked on delicious and they did. How cool! 🙂

Back to the recipe, as I was searching other people’s tilapia recipes, I kept running across the same ‘ol same ‘ol. It was a lot of flavors and methods I’d pretty much done before. Then I saw this recipe. I recognized this blog as one I’d landed on before. As I began to look at the ingredients, I got excited to realize I had EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM on hand, and I even had the onion & pepper already chopped up! I must admit though, I was a little wary of the mayonnaise. Once before I had made a fish recipe that required mayo, with not so good results. But I went ahead and made this according to the recipe, and let me assure you, once cooked YOU CAN’T TASTE THE MAYO AT ALL. In fact, once we ate, I completely forgot it was there. This was a great combo of flavors, especially if you’re looking for something different to do with tilapia. I threw in some grape tomatoes as well, because I thought they would add some sweetness and juice to the meal, and I’m really glad I did. As usual, we ate ours with our standard brown rice & steamed veggies. Yummy! This is something I’ll definitely be making again.


Baked Tilapia with Onions, Peppers, Olives, and Feta

slightly adapted from Kalyn's Kitchen
serves 2


2 or 3 medium-sized Tilapia filets
1/2 T olive oil
1/2 cup very finely diced red pepper
1/4 cup very finely diced red onion (or sweet white onion)
1/4 cup very finaly diced green olives
1/3 cup grape tomatoes, cut in half
1/3 cup crumbled feta
1-2 T mayo or lite mayo (do not use fat free)


Preheat oven to 425. Spray small glass or ceramic casserole dish with nonstick spray.

Heat olive oil in nonstick frying pan and saute red pepper and onion about 3 minutes. Add olives and tomatoes, saute about 2 minutes more. Turn off heat.

Put fish in casserole dish and season with salt and pepper. Spread a small amount of mayo evenly over the surface of each piece of fish. Stir feta into red pepper/onion/olive mixture and spread that over the top of fish. (Pile it on so all the mixture is used. It doesn't matter if some falls off while it's cooking.)

Bake until fish is opaque and white throughout and topping is barely starting to brown, 10-15 minutes. The mayo and the topping will keep the fish moist. Serve hot.

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