While at my parents over Thanksgiving break my sister wanted to prepare a dessert to take to our grandmother’s house (we call her Mammy). She kept asking me if I remembered the graham cracker dessert Mammy used to make. I didn’t remember at all. Then she started making it, and the smell was a little familiar. Once she finished making it, and it cooled, I ate one (and later ate many many more), and instantly knew I had eaten it once long before. Funny how the sense of taste can trigger a memory.

Anyways, this is a very very simple, but very addictive treat. I would guess this recipe is probably on some kind of website somewhere, so I apologize if someone thinks I plagerized. This is just what my sister emailed me, and our Mammy used to make it long ago (before there even was the internet!). You should definitely try this treat! It smells SOOOO good while baking!


Graham Cracker Candy

from my sister & my Mammy


Graham crackers (enough to fill up two cookie sheet, so just start with a whole box)
1 stick butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup chopped nuts (pecans is what she used, but walnuts would be good too)


Line two (or just one large) cookie sheets with foil and cover the entire bottoms with graham crackers in squares (not crushed). Boil butter, and sugar for 3 minutes. Pour over the top of graham crackers. Sprinkle with chopped nuts. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Cool, then break up into pieces. Store in airtight container.